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Just do it!

Today I want to dive a bit deeper into engaging your team and building momentum in the right direction with ACTION.  People often get caught up in the talking and planning and documenting of their sustainability policies and procedures as a first step.  While this is an important step in embedding sustainability, it doesn't really excite a lot of people, or inspire them to get involved.  You have to go where the energy is!

Most people generate momentum by doing. Once they start, it is easier keep going.  You can always go back to the talking and planning later.

Think of a Catalyst Project.  Something that you can do quickly with what you have.  Something a few people might be interested in.  A quick win to get some runs on the board as they say. 

You could do something small.  A one-off event like a nude food lunch or celebrate World Environment Day, International Mud Day or National Tree Day.  You could invite someone from your local community to share a new skill like gardening, upcycling or identifying local plants.  

You might then move to a Project over a period of a week or a month.  A mural made from recycled materials, an investigation of leaves as they change in autumn, building a veggie patch, monitoring your energy use over a quarter or watching compost decompose. 

You might ask your team to come up with an idea for an activity for the children using only recycled or repurposed materials.  Make it a competition.  You could involve the children as judges.

A catalyst project is something that can engage your team, doesn't need a massive investment of time or resources and creates some momentum in the right direction.  Your team need an opportunity to get involved (perhaps take into consideration the previous Tip around engaging objectors and influencers). 

Your first project may not involve everyone.  You could take your time an build a core group or 'sustainability team' of those who are keen and interested, and move on to others a bit later.  Just don't do it all on your own.  Build a team around you and create a sustainability culture with your team.

When choosing your Catalyst Project ask yourself these questions:

  • Who am I trying to engage? / Who is my audience?
  • What do I want to achieve?
  • How will I know if we are successful
  • What skills and resources do we need?

If you're looking for a fun Catalyst Project where the heavy lifting has been done for you - join our Nature Explorer Challenge!. We kick off on Monday 9 October.  Its a week of fun nature inspired Sustainability and STEM activities, explorations and provocations for play that can be adapted for children aged 0 -12 (and their grown-ups! Register here 

Good Luck!  I'd love to hear your ideas for your Catalyst Project.  Head to the Facebook Group and let us know how it went.

Next time we'll look at how involving children can be a great way to engage your team.


 Sustainability & The EYLF 2.0 Workshop

Friday 3 May 2024 1pm AEST

I'll be offering a LIVE interactive workshop session looking at the revised EYLF 2.0 and how the updates can support you to embed a whole of service approach to sustainability. 

In this Workshop you will:

  • Explore the updates to the EYLF Framework & how they can help you to embed sustainability in your setting; 
  • Reflect on your current understanding of sustainability and how it aligns with the expanded definition in the EYLF 2.0;
  • Discuss the Sustainability Principle and how it connects to, and supports, implementation of other principles; 
  • Discover how sustainability can be reflected in your Practice & how it fits within the Planning Cycle; and
  • Look at practical examples of sustainability in EC programming and practice, identifying the learning outcomes and relevant sustainability themes & concepts.
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