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Getting others on board. The greatest challenge for sustainability leaders.

Have you been nominated as Sustainability Leader in your early childhood setting?  Maybe you volunteered because it's something your passionate about.  Are you finding it hard to get others on board with your programs and initiatives?  

All too often I hear that those given this role or who have put up their hand are left floundering on their own with little support from their team.  They do their best but soon become discouraged or burnt out, trying to do it all on their own.  Fighting an uphill battle all the way.  

I have worked with all kinds of organisations over the past 20 years developing, implementing and evaluating sustainability programs.  These included local and State Government, Small Businesses, Community Groups, Not-For-Profits, Schools, OSHC and of course Early Childhood Services. 

I have supported and implemented sustainability programs in Maternal and Child Health Services, Playgroups, Family Day Care, Long Day Care, stand alone Kindergartens, and have seen first hand the incredible impact early years sustainability programs can have on children, families, communities and educators alike.  Although, it wasn't always easy!

When I first started, I was young and idealistic, expecting that of course everyone felt strongly about 'saving the planet' or 'making the world a better place'.  I soon learnt that this was not necessarily true, and I spent a heck of a lot of time convincing, selling, bribing and cajoling people to get on board. 

Arghh... It was exhausting and progress was painfully slow, which is disheartening for a passionate advocate, wanting nothing more than to make a difference.   I spent years banging my head against a wall, determined to make an impact.  The only impact I was making was in my forehead!

Over time I learnt some valuable lessons.  I'm going to share some of them with you over the next few weeks so you can avoid some of the headaches I experienced...

Getting others on board is KEY!  While sometimes it feels like it's easier to just do it yourself, this often leads to burn out and sees you leave your team further behind, making it even harder for them to catch up. You might get to the top of the mountain, but when you turn around no one is with you.

It's important to take them with you, so finding a way to get them on board and engaged is critical to the success of your program...  If others aren't engaged and involved, its not embedded, and you won't have the impact you're hoping for.

Over the next little while we'll explore my Top Tips for Engaging Others in Sustainability.  You can download Tip Sheet here.  First up - Don't make it extra.  How to avoid the most common objection you'll hear - 'I don't have time for that!'.  

See you then


 Sustainability & The EYLF 2.0 Workshop

Friday 3 May 2024 1pm AEST

I'll be offering a LIVE interactive workshop session looking at the revised EYLF 2.0 and how the updates can support you to embed a whole of service approach to sustainability. 

In this Workshop you will:

  • Explore the updates to the EYLF Framework & how they can help you to embed sustainability in your setting; 
  • Reflect on your current understanding of sustainability and how it aligns with the expanded definition in the EYLF 2.0;
  • Discuss the Sustainability Principle and how it connects to, and supports, implementation of other principles; 
  • Discover how sustainability can be reflected in your Practice & how it fits within the Planning Cycle; and
  • Look at practical examples of sustainability in EC programming and practice, identifying the learning outcomes and relevant sustainability themes & concepts.
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