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Evolution not revolution

In this post we'll be looking at the importance of understanding the audience you want to engage.  Many times we assume people are uncooperative or undermine our efforts because they are disinterested, difficult, spiteful or lazy.  This is rarely the case, but we need to be willing to listen and take some time to understand their objections and concerns more fully.  

The reason for their lack of engagement is rarely what it seems on the surface.  It can take a bit of time an effort to uncover the underlying issues.  Listening is an important skill for anyone in a leadership role, that includes those leading sustainability.

Change is hard.  We must remember that is exactly what we are asking of those around us as we endeavour to embed sustainability.  It is especially hard for adults and those who have been doing things the same way for a while and it worked fine.  'If it ain't broke don't fix it' as they say...  Most children are a bit more flexible and willing to try new things.


This is one of the big lessons I learnt, and it took a long time!  I resisted this for many years, since it was in my nature to 'make things happen'.  I was very results oriented and I enjoyed changing things up.  I got bored if things were the same to long.  I sought out opportunities for change - I was always pushing for revolution!  Whereas most other people like living in their comfort zone and would actively avoid change.  Let the head-butting begin!

I learnt that if I pushed people too hard, or too fast, they would dig their heels in, not because they were disinterested, unsupportive or mean, but because they were scared...

Fear is often an underlying cause of objection and resistance.  However we often perceive it as something else.  Perception is an interesting thing.  Take this plant for example, what do you see?

 A weed or a wish?

 When you ask someone to change a behaviour or a procedure they have been doing for a long time, what do you think they hear?  It may be that they hear:

" You've been doing it wrong all this time."

It's seen as a criticism, rather than an opportunity to improve your collective practice, to reflect contemporary thinking or changing needs and expectations. 

Having some conversations about the drivers for change, whether they be reflecting best practice, meeting Quality Framework requirements, aligning more with the children's interests, family or community expectations, saving money, or anything else that has sent you down this path, is important.  It is not about failure or incompetence.  It is a new season... the season of sustainability.  

Understanding what is holding people back or keeping them stuck is critical if you're going to move everyone forward together.  Ask questions.  Listen.  Make your plan, addressing their fears and concerns.  Take baby steps and be patient.  Celebrate all progress in the right direction.  Ensure people know that they have an important role to play and you need their input and expertise (see engaging you objectors and influencers).  Go slowly, take small steps (we'll talk about that in the next installment).  Progress is progress, this is not a race, and there is no finish line...  Everyone's journey is different.


  • What questions should I ask my team (or other audience) in order to identify their concerns or objections?
  • Could there be an underlying fear or judgement driving their concerns or objections?
  • How can I support my team to move forward?

Next time we'll look at how lots of small steps in the right direction add up and provide opportunities for you to bring others with you on your sustainability journey.

See you then...


 Sustainability & The EYLF 2.0 Workshop

Friday 3 May 2024 1pm AEST

I'll be offering a LIVE interactive workshop session looking at the revised EYLF 2.0 and how the updates can support you to embed a whole of service approach to sustainability. 

In this Workshop you will:

  • Explore the updates to the EYLF Framework & how they can help you to embed sustainability in your setting; 
  • Reflect on your current understanding of sustainability and how it aligns with the expanded definition in the EYLF 2.0;
  • Discuss the Sustainability Principle and how it connects to, and supports, implementation of other principles; 
  • Discover how sustainability can be reflected in your Practice & how it fits within the Planning Cycle; and
  • Look at practical examples of sustainability in EC programming and practice, identifying the learning outcomes and relevant sustainability themes & concepts.
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